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The Accounting World Magazine:
System of Accounting in Hospitality Industry

This article presents the Uniform System of Accounts (UNISYA) in the Hospitality Industry. Initiated in the UK in the 1960s, UNISYA focuses on five aspects of accounting i.e., financial statements, statement of cashflow, departmental statements, financial analysis, and expense dictionary. Prominent hotels like the Excelsior have used the system of accounting process quite successfully. The policy-making bodies across the globe, in general, and India, in particular, could use this model to their advantage in a competitive and volatile capital market.


Accounting and information disclosure practices are influenced by a variety of economic, social and political factors. They are nature of enterprise ownership, the business activities of the enterprise, sources of finance and stage of development of capital markets, the state of accounting education and research, the nature of political system, the social climate, the stage of economic growth and development, the rate of inflation, the nature of legal systems, and the accounting regulation. At each country level, the nature of accounting largely depends upon the relative influence of these factors and established patterns of accounting system. The development of technology, globalization of business, effect of liberalization and free-flow of capital across countries has attracted investors, corporate, strategic business partners. Hence the role of accounting in dissemination of financial information becomes very much significant in providing qualitative characteristics of financial statements like, understandability, relevance, materiality and reliability over faithful representation, substance over form, global financial reporting to standardize accounting methods, procedures, treatments and policies globally. This helps to lay down the principles of preparation and presentation of financial statement uniformly in the world over to suit the needs of a diverse audience, to establish benchmark for evaluating the quality of earnings and reporting internationality, and to ensure that international community of users of financial statements get creditable financial information.

The uniformity in accounting procedures, policies and practices is the solution in the world of harmonization process for better accessibility among the various stakeholders across the globe. Uniform system of accounting process remains a matter of discussion since 1911, after the introduction of this concept by the Federation of Master Printers, which is subsequently developed by various industries. The development of information technology has strengthened the use of uniform system of accounting practices in successive years of standardization. The introduction of new economy in the late 1990s forced decision-makers to prepare for reorientation of uniform system of accounting to consider the dominance of value drivers associated with non-financial information sets. The reporting framework has been charged in the reformed era. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US GAAP has adopted joint effort for convergence of accounting practices from 2005 for better information dissemination to the interested users within the accounting principles.


The Accounting World Magazine,