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Treasury Management Magazine:
Securitization and its Implication for India

Securitization is one of the latest financial innovations in Indian markets. Globally, it has occupied an important technique for bundling assets and segregating the risks of various marketable securities. This article discuses the present nascent state of securitization market in India and brings out the importance and recent developments to highlight the same-specifically for the banking and infrastructure sectors

One of the recent phenomena that underscores the steady sophistication of the Indian financial services sector is the increased volumes of securitization transactions and the varied nature of such transactions. In 2004, India trailed just behind Japan, South Korea and Taiwan amongst Asian countries in securitization volumes.1 Both the volumes and the variety of transactions in India are expected to grow exponentially due to the significance of securitization in two vital sectors- banking and infrastructure development.


Securitization, financial innovations, ,marketable securities, securitization, market banking, infrastructure sectors, transactions, Asset,Mortgage Securities.