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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Teen Marketing : Current Scenario, Drawbacks and Concerns

Teens are persons in the age group of 13 to 19. Of late, they are being targeted by many multinational marketers for selling their products. Marketers are adopting new strategies to attract these teenagers and thereby harvesting huge revenues from this segment. This article focuses on the current scenario of marketing to teens, its concerns and problems.


Recently, Johnson&Johnson has organized a marketing campaign to promote its teen skincare brand—Clean & Clear with oil and acne control ingredients. It targeted teens, for whom oily skin affects their confidence to face the world. Pimples are perceived to be the result of oily skin, and Johnson & Johnson used this psychological feeling among teens to promote its product. To quote the company's spokesperson — "This positioning was considered appropriate as competitive brands have not addressed the skin care issues of the huge Indian teen population in a big way."

Remember Apple Computers, which dominated the educational market in the 1990s? They have now launched an innovative product for teens, which is the iPod. Recent survey shows that teens put iPods on top of their shopping list. But widespread teen interest in the iPod did not develop in a single day. Like other trends among the youth, it began with the cool hunters (opinion leaders) telling everyone that this would be the next big thing.

Teen attitude turns out to be a major commodity now, which companies repack in the form of products and send back to them. There is, however, always a big question as to which comes first —teen culture or the marketed package of teen culture.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Teen Marketing, Multinational Marketers, Apple Computers, iPods, Educational Market, Teen Culture, Teenage Girls, Advertisements, Gaming Products, Mobile Marketing, Teen Marketing Strategies, Television Ads, Consumer Product Companies, Marketing Communications.