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The IUP Journal of Life Sciences
Azide Resistance Among Beneficial Rhizobacteria in Relation to Nitrogenase Activity

During the present investigation, azide resistance was studied among resistant and sensitive mutants of Azotobacter, Gluconacetobacter and Azospirillum. Resistant mutants of all the three strains had higher nitrogenase activity and sensitive mutants had lower nitrogenase activity as compared to their respective parental strains. A similar trend was observed in the cases of respiratory studies on cell dry weight basis and cytochrome c oxidase activities and ATP concentrations. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation among azide resistance and nitrogenase activity, ATP concentration, rate of respiration and cytochrome c oxidase activity between Azotobacter and Gluconacetobacter. Positive correlation among the above-mentioned activities was found in Azospirillum. Our studies reveal that sodium azide resistance can be used as a selection parameter to obtain better nitrogen fixing strains of Azotobacter, Gluconacetobacter and Azospirillum (to their respective MIC) to be used as biofertilizer for various crops.


Nitrogen is fixed biologically by widespread soil rhizobacteria like Azotobacter, Gluconacetobacter, Azospirillum, etc. These rhizobacteria proliferate in the host plant's rhizosphere, fix atmospheric nitrogen and supply it to the plants. Resistance to azide can be used as a potentially useful method to select efficient strains to be used as biofertilizer for various crops (Yadav et al., 1999 and 2000). Sodium azide, a potent inhibitor of terminal segment of electron transport chain, can be reduced to ammonia and dinitrogen by the enzyme nitrogenase. The process is ATP-dependent and requires a strong reducing agent during nitrogen fixation and also some of the toxic compounds like cyanide can also be converted into harmless compounds. Resistance to azide has also been used as one of the important methods to isolate spontaneous mutants of Rhizobium with enhanced nitrogen fixing ability (Ram et al., 1978). Recently, azide resistant mutants of Rhizobium were isolated, which are more competitive than the native rhizobia under natural conditions (Yadav et al., 1992). Azide is also known to affect electron transport chain by inhibiting the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme. In Azospirillum brasilense, cytochrome c oxidase is required under microaerobic conditions when high respiration rate is needed (Marchal et al., 1998).

Studies on the rate of consumption of dissolved oxygen by suspension of bacteroids from soybean root nodules showed the presence of two terminal oxidase systems (Bergerson and Turner, 1975). These enzymes are oligomeric, cytochrome containing complexes and are used for energy requiring reactions such as synthesis of ATP. High affinity pathways produce up to five times greater ATP concentration in bacteroids than the low affinity pathways. The differential respiratory activity of azide resistance strains may be influenced by the variable activity of cytochrome c oxidase and the amount of ATP produced. Keeping the above facts in view, this study was undertaken to determine the azide resistance and its possible relationship to the rate of respiration, cytochrome c oxidase activity, ATP concentration and nitrogen fixing ability among important soil bacteria such as Azotobacter, Gluconacetobacter and Azospirillum.


Life Sciences Journal, Resistant Mutants, Azide Resistance Strains, Electron Transport Chain, Bacterial Strains, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Aerobic Nitrogen Fixation, Flame Ionization Detectors, Terminal Oxidase Systems, Biological Oxygen Monitor, Spss Software.