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The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
A VHDL Implementation of Orthogonal Interleavers for the IDMA Scheme

Interleavers are referred to as integral parts for many systems such as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Interleave Division Multiple Access (IDMA), and optical fiber communication. In case of CDMA, interleavers are used for coding gain, while for IDMA, they are employed for user separation. In case of optical fiber communication, interleavers are periodic optical filters that combine or separate a comb of dense wavelength division multiplexed signals. The challenge is to implement these interleavers at affordable decoding complexity and speed with the current fabrication technology. This paper first presents various orthogonal interleavers. It then performs the comparison on their performance and computational complexity. Next, it implements various interleavers on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) using VHDL. After the comparison, it observes that the Tree-Based Interleaver (TBI) turns out to be the best compromise in terms of performance and complexity.


Recently, a novel multiple access scheme has been introduced by Liu et al. (2003), Li et al. (2006) and Pupeza et al. (2006), known as Interleave Division Multiple Access (IDMA) scheme, which employs the interleavers as the only means of user separation. Initially, in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), interleaving was one of the most popular ways to spread out the errors so that they appear random to the decoder. Recently, interleaving has also been recognized as the efficient means of user separation. An interleaver-based multiple access scheme gives high spectral efficiency, improved performance and low receiver complexity (Li et al., 2006; and Pupeza et al., 2006). IDMA inherits many advantages from CDMA, such as diversity against fading and mitigation of the worst-case other-cell user interference problem.

Basically, interleaving is a permutation rule that scrambles data to break up neighborhood relations. Interleavers used for the purpose of user separation in IDMA scheme should have specific properties such as easy implementation and minimum collisions. There is a potential risk that some of the interleavers of users may be with high correlation, which may lead to inferior performance in the communication system. The user-specific interleaves need to be orthogonal to each other so as to minimize the cross talk between them. Also, once interleavers are assigned to users, they are never changed. So, it is important to establish the model of interleavers and analyze the characters in them.


Telecommunications Journal, Interleaver, Interleave Division Multiple Access, IDMA, Tree-Based Interleaver, TBI, Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA, Random Interleaver, RI, Bit Error Rate, BER, Master Random Interleaver, MRI, (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit, VHIC.