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HRM Review Magazine:

Day-to-day life is full of stress—both on the personal and the professional fronts. Pressure of time often results in people reporting to their workplace with migraine attacks, body aches, mental strains, etc. Stress, therefore, is a costly business affair, that affects two aspects—first, the employee's health—which directly affects the second—the organization's profits. This is so because, if the health does not allow the body to function normally, it will lead to increased absenteeism, late comings and short leaves in the organization, which directly affect the organization's growth and profit since employees are the main source of profit generation for an organization.


tress is strain, force, tension, emphasis, difficulty, break down, anxiety, depression. A man's life today faces all sorts of challenges and obstacles that hamper his normal functioning, and most of the times, the pressure is too hard to handle. When we are expected to meet the changing demands, we undergo stress. At times, stress could be beneficial as it can give you that push you need, thereby, encouraging you to put in your best and to stay focused and alert. Stress keeps you running—for a preparation for presentation at work or perhaps driving you nuts to study for your end semester exams, whilst you had rather be watching TV.

The events and demands that upset balance in our personal life are known as stressors. We normally think of stressors as negative, but stressors can be positive too—we do not normally tend to think otherwise, but it is because of these stressors that we excel in our work, get promoted, have more responsibilities, become more professional and achieve a position of desire. According to the American Psychological Association, 54% of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their everyday lives.


HRM Review Magazine, Stress at Work, American Psychological Association, Causes Stress, Signs Stress, Symptoms of Stress, Time Management, Stress Levels, Organizational Activities, Organizational Structure, Epinephrine, Work Environment, Sales Management, marketing management, Motivation Programmes.