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The IUP Journal of English Studies :
The Theme of Marital Discord in Nayantara Sahgals Storm in Chandigarh and Doris Lessings The Grass is Singing

Advertisements are the most powerful means for communicating the marketing message to the target audience. The presence of likeable attributes in ads has profound effect on the mindset of the audience and results in creating a positive image about the ads and consequently, the brands. This article focuses on understanding and using likeability in television commercials.

Nayantara Sahgal, one of the prominent Indian English writers, is deeply concerned with women's status in Indian society. Her counterpart British writer Doris Lessing is a strong supporter of women's cause in the West. Despite belonging to different countries, having different sociocultural backgrounds, both look at the women's question from the same perspective. They both advocated feminism long before the advent of feminist movement in the 1960s in the West. The paper studies the theme of marital discord from the feminist perspective in Nayantara Sahgal's Storm in Chandigarh (1969) and Doris Lessing's The Grass in Singing (1950). They both look at feminism afresh and from a different angle. Their characters after passing through various vicissitudes in their journey of life realize how militant approach can be disastrous for their own self as well as for their family and the society at large. They ultimately strive for a soothing solution in harmonious and fulfilling relationship to save the world from splitting. Both the writers envision a world based on equality, mutual respect, communication, understanding, sharing and cherish harmony between the two sexes. The world, they feel otherwise, is heading towards anarchy and chaos which must be saved at any cost.

Nayantara Sahgal is one of the prominent Indian English Writers who depict the struggle and sufferings of women in her novels vividly and effectively. Sahgal gives a central place to woman in her novels and repeatedly strikes the note that woman should not be treated merely as a "sex object and glamour girl, fed on false dreams of perpetual youth, lulled into a passive role that requires no individual identity." Sahgal believes that woman is an equal and honored partner of man and should be treated as such. Most of her female characters strive for this equality.

A significant counterpart of Sahgal among the contemporary British writers is Doris Lessing. Marital relationship occupies a major place along with other sociopolitical, religious or psychological themes in her novels. Lessing's women strive for acceptance and recognition as equal beings but often experience gender-oppression in the male-dominated world.


The Theme of Marital Discord in Nayantara Sahgals Storm in Chandigarh and Doris Lessings The Grass is Singing,Indian, novels, feminist, women's, perspective, counterpart, relationship, prominent, society, equality, depict, disastrous, envision, anarchy, family, harmonious, individual, lulled, maledominated, militant, acceptance, mutual