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The IUP Journal of Information Technology :
Data Warehousing and Its Utility in Modern Business

Advertisements are the most powerful means for communicating the marketing message to the target audience. The presence of likeable attributes in ads has profound effect on the mindset of the audience and results in creating a positive image about the ads and consequently, the brands. This article focuses on understanding and using likeability in television commercials.


Data warehousing is a concept, an algorithm, and more of a structure that helps the decision support system to its best. Decision making is very critical for business. The ability to take the right decision not only helps the business to make more profit but also to exist competitively in the market. This paper is designed to review the needs of modern business and the features of data warehousing and also the utility of data warehousing in implementing a strong information base for today's business.

In the changing socioeconomic scenario, business has acquired new dimensions and the century old concept of `managing business' has transformed into `enjoying business'. Earlier, business used to depend on factors such as how to make profit and how to outrun the competitors. In modern times, with immense of competition and higher demands of the customers, businesses not only look for profit maximization but they also have to keep a keen eye on customer satisfaction. For this, the manager needs a proper strategy formulation technique. If there is a flaw in the strategy then, the business will be crushed by its competitors. In previous days five factors of Michael E Porter, an eminent economist, were enough for the manager for making the strategy for a business with a focus on profit maximization.

Larry Downe's, co-author of "Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance" has introduced another three new factors: digitalization, globalization and deregulation along with five forces of Porter's model (Table 1) to make it more acceptable in present day's business situation in his article, "Beyond Porter".

The developments and enhancements of information technology have resulted in its growing usage in all spheres of life-credit and debit cards are examples of the usage of IT in the banking industry. Hence, the Porter's five factors model is not enough to address the present need of business.


Data Warehousing and Its Utility in Modern Business, communication, business, factors, profit, product, information, competitors, customers, decision, developments, digitalization, dimensions, enhancements, formulation, globalization, socioeconomic, Strategies, technique, technology, warehousing, Organizations, characteristics, Conceptual, architecture, developed, economically, Managerial, policy, restructure, service, telecommunication