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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Benefits of RFID in Retailing

Business firms are increasingly leveraging on the usage of technology to improve operational efficiency and gain competitive advantage. RFID is one such technology that is finding increased usage in various fields. This article takes a look at the advantages of RFID in improved implementation of the marketing mix strategy with a focus on the retail sector.


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an IT tool designed to meet the needs of data collection. RFID systems can directly improve inventory management (by decreasing inventory levels and reducing holding costs and spoilage), thereby resulting in increased profitability. They may also have indirect effects on business performance through the lowering of coordination and administrative costs and the enhancing of decision-making and forecasting accuracies. RFID can ensure significant cost savings in supply chain management and also facilitate effective execution of the marketing mix strategy.

Today, the retail industry is facing serious challenges due to rapidly changing market conditions, fueled by increasing global competition and higher expectations of customers. RFID technology is being offered as a tool to revolutionize the way business gets done because of its broad impact on manufacturing, logistics, material handling, inventory tracking and management. The potential benefits of RFID are, therefore, numerous for all stakeholders in the retailing business.

RFID uses a wireless system to track products, parts, expensive items and temperature-and time-sensitive goods. Transponders, or RFID tags, are attached to objects. The transponders identify themselves when they detect a signal from a reader that emits a radio frequency transmission. Each RFID tag carries information, such as the item's code number, color, supplier or other types of data. When these tags pass through a field generated by a compatible reader, they transmit this information, to the reader, thereby identifying the object.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, RFID in Retailing, Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, Decision-Making Process, Retail Industry, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Tracking, Pharmaceutical Companies, Product Shrinkage, Inventory Management, Communication Mechanisms, Enterprise Systems.