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Professional Banker Magazine:
Mass Banking: Taking Banking Services to Rural Areas

Modern banks in India have been upgraded with information technology to offer quality services to the customers. This is not only to satisfy the customers but also to meet their needs better and capture new potential markets, particularly rural areas. Most commercial banks in India are expanding their operations to explore the untapped areas by offering various innovative schemes suited for the rural masses.



Mass banking aims at cap turing potential banking business in rural areas and endeavors to create banking culture and thrift habits among rural masses. Even after the implementation of banking reforms in India, still many rural people do not have a bank account. On the other hand, commercial banks realized that untapped rural places have the potential to generate more business. Banks, in India, have traditionally offered mass banking products. The most common deposit products being savings bank, current account, term deposits, cash credit and term loans.

Banking sector reforms have changed the structure of the banks and paved the way for innovative banking. As a part of economic reforms, banking industry has been deregulated, opening the doors for competition that brought in new challenges.

Due to unprecedented changes that have come about with the advent of Information Technology (IT), most banks have started offering more services than ever before. It is a fact that rapid strides in IT have redefined the role and the structure of the Indian banking system. With the advent of technology, both individuals and corporate firms are demanding more from the banks.


Professional Banker Magazine, Rural Banking, Mass Banking, Information Technology, Commercial Banks, Micro Insurance, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, ICRIER, Indian Banking Sectors, Regional Rural Banks, IT Systems, Indian Mass Banking.