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Effective Executive Magazine:
Business Education and Corporate Learning

Much of business education is designed to equip people with ambitions and perceived highfliers for future roles. Performance support can also help people to excel today, as well as be relevant and able to understand and tackle whatever might be encountered tomorrow. It can complement, supplement or replace ‘traditional’ approaches to education and training, making superstar assistance available to a large number of people, as and when required.


Much of business education is designed to equip people with ambitions and perceived highfliers for future roles. Performance support can also help people to excel today, as well as be relevant and able to understand and tackle whatever might be encountered tomorrow. It can complement, supplement or replace ‘traditional’ approaches to education and training, making superstar assistance available to a large number of people, as and when required.

Business education conjures up images of students in classrooms at business schools. They could be studying for an MBA, or enrolled on a short course, or undertaking a middle or senior executive development program. Many of the participants may have ambitions to become organizational leaders or entrepreneurs. Some might be discussing a case or working on a group project. Others might be visiting a foreign country on an exchange program or while at an overseas campus.


Effective Executive Magazine, Business Education, Business Schools, Education and Training, Organizational Leaders, Leaders or Entrepreneurs