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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior :
Employment Attainment – Constraints and Devices: A Holocletic Model

Securing employment depends on several factors—those innate to the individual and those that are exogenous. Using a socioeconomic approach, this paper suggests a theoretical study model, i.e., the holocletic model, for professional insertion. Towards this end, the paper identifies the constraint factors and the job-search methods used by former trainees, and concludes that age, parent’s nationality, schooling, qualification levels and vocational training features are connected to the job-search method that allows the ex-trainee to get a job. On the other hand, the constraints to the professional insertion of the ex-trainees are: work experience, qualification level, the path and kind of vocational training, and employment characteristics. The paper provides a set of elements that help to distinguish, compare and access the eclectic dominant mainstream in this regard.


Transition to active professional life is related to movement from school (or training system) to the labor market and it ends with professional insertion (Garcia and Gutiérrez, 1996).

Martínez (2006) defines ‘transition’ as a changing process that leads to socio-professional insertion. That is, transition is not only a shift from school to work, but also a complex process that incorporates basic education, training and experiences in formal and informal contexts, family autonomy processes and the professional transition itself (Martinez, 2006), involving changes of social, material and symbolic nature in the individual experiences (Zittoun, 2008).

In cyclical circumstances, when the unemployment rate reaches record levels, professional insertion requires greater scientific attention, not only in conceptual and theoretical terms, but also in terms of organizational profiles and paradigms that allow results and immediate and keen solutions (or platforms) which promote effective and lasting integration of the individuals in the labor market, contributing thus to the removal of the fortuitous secondary social effects.


Organizational Behavior Journal, Employment Attainment, Constraints and Devices, Holocletic Model.