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The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior :
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Demographic Variables of Employees in Indian Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a discretionary behavior other than what is prescribed in the job description of a particular employee. It takes a lot to go beyond one’s call of duty and whenever employees indulge in such behaviors, it brings tremendous benefits to the organization in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, success and even low attrition rate. With the transition of manufacturing industry to service industry, the business world has witnessed a change from traditional workers to knowledge workers. Many changes were observed in different aspects of workforce in terms of their demography, motivation, perceptions, expectations, etc. With these changes, their behavioral outcomes had also got affected. On these lines, the study is an attempt to assess the OCBs of employees with respect to their demographic levels in Indian Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector. Through stratified random sampling, a sample of 524 employees from top, middle and lower levels were selected from 15 BPO units in and around Chandigarh. It was hypothesized that employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors differ significantly with their demographic factors. Seven hypotheses were drawn on respective demographic factors, out of which four were accepted. The results revealed that OCBs of employees differ across different age groups, educational level, different marital status group, and across different levels of management. The future implications of the study were discussed in the light of empirical findings and in the context of retention issues in BPO sector.


In the eon of liberalization, privatization and globalization, organizations are pushed to be both resourceful and effectual. In this pursuit, it is imperative that organizations should have right people with right attitudes and skills. Every organization is competing with each other to grab the right kind of workforce share instead of market share. Business world has accepted the fact that their survival mainly depends upon their ability to attract, motivate and retain the key employees. Thus the substance of human resource over other factors of production cannot be denied. Organizations are striving hard to create, develop and retain their talent pipeline. The importance of human resource as a source of competitive business advantage has increased even more because of transition of manufacturing industry to service industry. As business in service sector heavily relies on competencies, skill and attitude of their manpower, it is imperative in service industry to create, nurture, develop and retain this valuable resource. The changes in demographic factors, e.g., rising educational level, entry of more and more women in workforce, various job options, etc., are making employees more prone to leave the organizations for greener pastures. Therefore, attrition, retention and talent management have become the buzz word in the corporate arena. No sector in Indian corporate world has been able to escape from this phenomenon of attrition. Every sector is facing mild to moderate attrition of employees. But Indian Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector is hard pressed with this problem having the highest attrition rate among other sectors.


Organizational Behavior Journal, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Demographic Variables of Employees, Indian Business Process Outsourcing.