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The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management :
Understanding Researchable Issues in Knowledge Management: A Literature Review

Knowledge and Knowledge Management (KM) practices have been recognized as valuable means for tapping collective intelligence and skills of employees to create greater organization knowledge. Further, promoting conducive work culture improves productivity and enhances performance. Researches, both industrial and academic, have been undertaken to explore KM concepts, frameworks, technologies, applications, knowledge-based work culture, etc. This paper explores the development of KM through review and categorization of research papers published during the past 15 years into seven broad categories. The categories have been chosen to track the development in the field of KM from basic, foundational research to integrated research with the areas of Organization Culture (OC) and Organization Performance (OP). The objective of the researcher is to identify and define significant gap in the existing literature and suggest a direction for future research.


The emergence of Knowledge Management (KM) happened with Peter Drucker’s famous quote in Post-Capitalist Society (1993)...

The basic economic resource—the means of production—is no longer capital, nor natural resources nor labor. It is and will be Knowledge.

Knowledge and KM practices have been steadily gaining prominence as a decisive factor affecting the organizations’ ability to gain competitive advantage globally in the last couple of decades. It has been recognized as a valuable resource for tapping collective intelligence and skills of employees to create a greater organization knowledge base. KM practices serve not only to preserve past legacies but also to learn new things and initiate new situations for both individuals and organizations in the present and the future.


Knowledge Management Journal, Organization Culture (OC), KM practices, Knowledge Management Performance Index (KMPI), Organization Performance (OP), Understanding, Researchable,Issues, Knowledge Management (KM).