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The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
The Performance of Wireless Sensor Network Simulators Using Advanced On-Demand Vector (AODV) Protocol.

Simulation in wireless networks is very important before the real-time implementation of any project. For this purpose, design engineers and research community first simulate the networks design and then go for implementation of any project. These will help to build new theories and hypotheses. Since the invention of wireless networks, a number of simulators have been available, and upgradation and enhancement in characteristics are being done for the network simulators. A few examples of these simulators are NS-2, NS-3, SWAN, JIST, OMNET, GloMoSim, etc. The crucial decision for selecting the simulator depends upon its evaluating characteristics such as speed of evaluation, memory usage for running the simulator, utilization of the CPU cycles and scalability by simulating a routing protocol. Therefore it becomes important to choose the simulator accordingly depending upon the project. In this paper, different network simulators like NS-3, NS-2, GloMoSim and OMNet++ are used to compare network performance characteristics like memory usage, CPU utilization and computational time using AODV protocol.


As electronics and communication industry is growing rapidly by leaps and bounds, wireless technology is showing its impact on the newly emerging communication technology. Generally, when a design is proposed, it cannot be implemented directly in the real world at large, as it may give undesired results and later, for rectification, the whole project has to be modified. To avoid such situation, new protocols or techniques/schemes are tested with the help of analytical modeling or simulators in computers. As simulation can be done on a prototype, a modification can be done easily. After simulation, if the result is yielded as desired, then these protocols can be implemented for final design of the project. Analyses using analytical methods are not precise and also time-consuming. It also consumes energy, CPU memory and power. Real-world implementation is realistic. Therefore, analysis of physical design using the analytical method is not only time-consuming but also costly, as it requires hardware, manpower and other resources. Hence, simulation is not only affordable which provides desired results but also cost-effective. Therefore, the performance of any design or protocol is evaluated first with the help of simulators.


Telecommunications Journal,Wireless networks, Simulators, Characteristics of simulators, AODV routing