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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
American Girl Doll: Making History Out of Child's Play

The success of Mattel's Barbie rested on yearnings of little girls to grow up into a Barbie. However, declining market share across the globe forced the company to wake up to the new reality and cast aside chauvinistic blinkers that portrayed women only as pretty playthings and convert challenges into opportunities. Mattel was on a quest for a product that would help it reconnect with customers and project a clear differentiation from the competition. Success came in the form of The American Girl doll, which became a conduit to win back growth, loyalty and market share.


Mattel Inc., is one of the world's largest toy makers whose products include Barbie dolls, Hot Wheels, Match Box cars, Masters of the Universe, American Girl Dolls, etc. Till a few years back, Mattel was dependent on Barbie for a significant part of its revenue. The year 2009 saw Barbie complete 50 glorious years of existence, ruling the hearts of generations of little girls. The 3D doll, with realistic and more than perfect physical features, not only enthralled its customers, but also celebrated the true aura of feminism.

Despite the hostility that the doll faced from some parents and culturally sensitive groups, girls across the globe were enamored by it. However, since the 1990s, the brand's supremacy had been challenged by numerous `me-too' versions - with MGA Entertainment's Bratz dolls making the biggest dent. The year 2004 saw global sales of the Barbie doll declining further. Several attempts to revive the brand failed and the repeated onslaught from competitors further gnawed into its market share. This provided the impetus for the search of a path-breaking idea that could arrest its decline. The breakthrough came from rather unexpected quarters - The American Girl doll.

The American Girl doll found its origin under rather interesting circumstances. In the year 1983, Pleasant T Rowland, an educator, writer and entrepreneur by profession, was looking out for dolls to gift to her nieces for Christmas. Much to her disappointment, the dolls, that were available fitted into primarily two categories, baby dolls, catering to the mothering instincts of little girls, and adult dolls, that provided expression to their future aspirations. There were hardly any dolls which were suitable for the same age group as her nieces.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, American Girl Doll, Chauvinistic Blinkers, American History, Retail Stores, American Girl Magazine, Direct Marketing Strategies, Production Companies, Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association, LIMA, Global Supremacy, Logical Progressions, National Cultures.