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Portfolio Organizer Magazine:
Capital Market in the BRIC Economies

The past few years have witnessed large inflows of foreign capital into the emerging markets. This article takes a closer look at the capital market performance of the BRIC economies in the recent past.


For last couple of years, BRIC economies have witnessed considerable inflows of foreign funds. According to London-based, Head of Global Economic Research at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., by 2050 only the US and Japan could have economies larger than any of the BRIC economies. This report reflects that by 2050 any one or all the BRIC countries will be in a leading position in the world economy.

The term BRIC was first introduced by Goldman Sachs Group Inc., in 2003, when it was reported that these countries are the fastest growing economies in the world and might overtake larger economies .The acronym stands for four of the biggest emerging-market countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China. What was forecasted earlier was reflected in 2006, with the robust growth achieved by these four nations that shook the foundations of the so called Capitalism. According to Nouriel Roubini, Chairman of Roubini Global Economics, "Globalization and the rise of new powerhouse economies in the developing world, has shaken the foundations of the global economy.'' With the US economy slowing down, the future of the world economy depends on these four countries. With highly educated youth forming a major portion of these BRIC nation's population, these countries are helping reshape the world economy.


Portfolio Organizer Magazine, Capital Market in the BRIC Economies, Global Economics, Banking System, Asian Financial Crisis, Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley Capital Internationals, MSCIs, Brazilian Markets, Initial Public Offerings, IPOs, Indian Market Capitalization, Brazilian Economy, Russian Markets, Russian Trading System, Indian Economy, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, BRIC Economies, Sovereign Credit Rating.