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Global CEO Magazines:
Success Built to Last :Creating a Life that Matters

This book tries to identify what successful people have in common, and distill it into a set of simple practices that can be used to transform ones life, company and career. The book is primarily a compilation of conversations with hundreds of achievers, be it billionaires, nobel laureates, celebrities, CEOs, Presidents of nations, and not so well-known unsung heroes. One thing common in all these individuals is that they made a difference in their lives as well as others and they were all ordinary people when they started this journey to success. This book teaches how one can remain successful after reaching the heights. It tries to figure out some common traits that successful people had in them.


What inspires the long-term achievers to make the kind of choice they do? To struggle and grow despite all odds - to find a new meaning and hang onto it not just for a moment or himself, but to create success that lasts? This book attempts to answer the above question based on the interview of more than 200 people all over the world who have made a difference, large or small, in their filed, profession, or community but lived a life that mattered. They may not be entrepreneurs, revolutionaries, and experts; they may not be rich, loud and assertive; they may not be charismatic, but they are definitely the ones who felt the need to create something new or better that will endure throughout their lifetime and also flourish well beyond. To put it briefly, they are those ordinary people who did extraordinary things that mattered to them.

While selecting the list of successful people, the authors have kept in mind that they should not just be momentary heroes; they must have at least two decades of success behind them and must have kept up the ethical rules of society. The people were interviewed directly using exploratory dialog method and the third party biographies and surveys were not relied on.

Success is not something that one looks for in a dictionary. Success is not defined in terms of wealth, popularity or influence. Nowhere are fulfillment, happiness and lasting relationships defined as enduring success. The authors suggest that to achieve success, one has to first abandon popular delusions. When success just means wealth, fame and power, it doesn't last and it also isn't satisfying.


Global CEO Magazine, Success Built to Last, Nobel Peace Prize, Management Scholars, Peter Drucker, Carter, Churchill, Lincoln, Research Methodology, Organizational Development, English Literature, Organizational Change, Billionaires, Nobel laureates, Celebrities, CEOs, Organizational Behavior.