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HRM Review

April '09
Regular Features
  • Interview
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HRM @ Work in the Network Economy : An Assessment
Social Networking Sites : Are They an Elixir for all the Recruitment Woes?
The People Make the Place : In Good Times and Bad
Reversing Employee Burnout : Rekindling Passion for Work
Time Management for Managers : Focusing on One's Priorities
Emotions with a Mind
Qualitative Requirements for Employability
Performance Management for Organizational Success : Super Six Approach
Branding : The HR Way
Employee Retention : A Major Concern to Organizations
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3 Pre-employment Tests : Help You Hire the Best

-- Michael Mercer

HRM @ Work in the Network Economy : An Assessment

-- S Murali

The present era of `network economy', wherein the economic activities are driven by a network of relationships, network of transactions occurring at different points across globe, brings with it a lot of challenges for HRM in general and HR professionals in particular. This article assesses the current status of some HR practices in business enterprises of network economy.

Article Price : Rs.50

Social Networking Sites : Are They an Elixir for all the Recruitment Woes?

-- NR Aravamudhan

Social networking is transmogrifying the tone and tenor of the recruitment landscape and will be playing a crucial role in the years to come. This article throws light on how social networking sites are changing the existing paradigms in the job market space, their benefits and the flip side of using such sites for hiring purposes. It also details the action plan recruiters shall draw up to leverage on social networking sites and further enhance their recruitment exercises.

Article Price : Rs.50

The People Make the Place : In Good Times and Bad

-- Ronald J Burke

This article reviews some demands facing organizations and their leaders and why people, human resource management practices, and organizational culture is the only competitive advantage in today's worldin both good and bad times. It highlights the benefits of effective human resource management in building individual and organizational capacity, why managers do not use the latest knowledge about people management, effective human resource management practices, and what organizations need to do to become resilient and "change ready".

Article Price : Rs.50

Reversing Employee Burnout : Rekindling Passion for Work

-- Rashmi Joshi

International surveys have shown that employee burnout is becoming a major issue worldwide, especially in the IT and ITeS sectors. Burnout, which stems from negative stress caused mainly by longer working hours and almost impossible-to-attain targets, takes a toll on employees' health and productivity. By taking positive measures to mitigate the `employee burnout syndrome', organizations can significantly benefit as committed employees are at the core of better financial performance of a company.

Article Price : Rs.50

Time Management for Managers : Focusing on One's Priorities

-- Bahaudin G Mujtaba

Today's professionals are working longer than ever before and achieving more in less time. Some of this is due to the necessity of the competitive workplace and partly it is due to the advancements in technology. Regardless of the changes in the workplace and technology, managers and leaders must prioritize their time and focus on what is truly important if they are to effectively manage their time. This article provides suggestions and time management skills for busy working professionals.

Article Price : Rs.50

Emotions with a Mind

-- Bharti K Thakar

Emotional literacy, which is largely based upon the inter-personal needs and communications, would lead to a higher emotional quotient which is most essential for success in relations and, thereby, in an occupation. Sciences have been developed to assess the emotional literacy and, thereafter, intervene and rectify the shortfalls.

Article Price : Rs.50

Qualitative Requirements for Employability

-- Col. PSV Ramana

This article outlines the employer's perspective in selection and recruitment to start with. It takes certain valuable lessons from the selection process of the Armed Forces. The example of how Benjamin Franklin created his personal brand is outlined along with his famous list of 13 virtues that he followed all through his life. It concludes that certain soft skills in good measure help identify and nurture the leadership and provide competitive advantage in various organizations.

Article Price : Rs.50

Performance Management for Organizational Success : Super Six Approach

-- C Vasudevan

As business results depend largely on the performance of the workforce getting involved in the process, it is of paramount importance for the organizations to measure the performance of its employees continuously for the organizational success. This article dwells on six major managerial aspects of the performance management that lead to organizational success.

Article Price : Rs.50

Branding : The HR Way

-- Shubha Muralidhar

Today's world is brand conscious and the need to create brand awareness is vital for an organization's survival. The brands simplify decision-making and communicate the values they create to the customers. But, of late more and more eyes are shifting towards the HR Department and the strategy which is applied to products is also applied to HR Department which can be called "HR branding". This article presents an overview of HR branding which helps in realigning the corporate strategies, which in turn would help in attracting, motivating and retaining the best to survive in the competitive environment.

Article Price : Rs.50

Employee Retention : A Major Concern to Organizations

-- C Janaki

The most challenging issue faced by corporates is to retain their employees as today's global workforce is more mobile than ever before. This article provides insights into employee retention strategies, measures and techniques to minimize the attrition rate and the role played by HR managers.

Article Price : Rs.50
Global Executive Summaries
  • Employee Empowerment
    Full Text: www.buzzle.com



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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): The Changing Face of Banking in India

Bank Management
Information and communication technology has changed the way in which banks provide services to its customers. These days the customers are able to perform their routine banking transactions without even entering the bank premises. ATM is one such development in recent years, which provides remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the development of this self-service banking in India based on the secondary data.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing a very important role in the progress and advancement in almost all walks of life. The deregulated environment has provided an opportunity to restructure the means and methods of delivery of services in many areas, including the banking sector. The ICT has been a focused issue in the past two decades in Indian banking. In fact, ICTs are enabling the banks to change the way in which they are functioning. Improved customer service has become very important for the very survival and growth of banking sector in the reforms era. The technological advancements, deregulations, and intense competition due to the entry of private sector and foreign banks have altered the face of banking from one of mere intermediation to one of provider of quick, efficient and customer-friendly services. With the introduction and adoption of ICT in the banking sector, the customers are fast moving away from the traditional branch banking system to the convenient and comfort of virtual banking. The most important virtual banking services are phone banking, mobile banking, Internet banking and ATM banking. These electronic channels have enhanced the delivery of banking services accurately and efficiently to the customers. The ATMs are an important part of a bank’s alternative channel to reach the customers, to showcase products and services and to create brand awareness. This is reflected in the increase in the number of ATMs all over the world. ATM is one of the most widely used remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the growth of ATMs of different bank groups in India.
International Scenario

If ATMs are largely available over geographically dispersed areas, the benefit from using an ATM will increase as customers will be able to access their bank accounts from any geographic location. This would imply that the value of an ATM network increases with the number of available ATM locations, and the value of a bank network to a customer will be determined in part by the final network size of the banking system. The statistical information on the growth of branches and ATM network in select countries.

Indian Scenario

The financial services industry in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth, diversification and specialization since the initiation of financial sector reforms in 1991. Greater customer orientation is the only way to retain customer loyalty and withstand competition in the liberalized world. In a market-driven strategy of development, customer preference is of paramount importance in any economy. Gone are the days when customers used to come to the doorsteps of banks. Now the banks are required to chase the customers; only those banks which are customercentric and extremely focused on the needs of their clients can succeed in their business today.


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