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Advertising Express Magazine:
Packaging : A Silent Salesman that Acts as an External Manifestation of a Brand

Have you ever tried to understand why do we, at times, tend to shop more than we had actually thought of? Is it just because of our need or is there something else that prompts us to put the product in our shopping carts. This article discusses about a very essential value addition activity that can draw customers' attention to certain products amidst a host of competing brands on a retail shelf.


Whenever I go for shopping, be it for daily grocery items in a local kirana shop or in a big super bazaar, I always exceed the budget I initially catered for. This is because marketers have understood the consumer psychology of getting attracted to products having unique packaging. A lot of efforts are being taken by companies to ensure that the customer looks at their products at least once and that the first look itself gives a feel of the product.

Packaging, as an industry, is the second largest in the world and is becoming complex and innovative with changing times. To grab the consumer's attention is the basic role of packaging. Your products will keep sitting on the store shelves if your product lacks an electrifying packaging. Acting as a virtual show-window of the product, packaging is an essential determinant of whether the consumer will stop and take a look at the product or not. As an integral part of modern marketing operations, packaging plays a key role in communicating the identity and image of the company.

Packaging establishes a direct link with the consumers at the point of purchase as it can very well change the perceptions they have for a particular brand. A product has to draw the attention of the consumers through an outstanding package design. Earlier, packaging was considered only a container to put a product in, but today, research into the right packaging is beginning at the product development stage itself. Marketing is all about creating an emotional bond with your audiences and a right packaging can exactly do the same job for you.


Advertising Express Magazine, Packaging, Shopping Carts, Product Development, Conventional Packaging, Advertising Campaigns, Conventional Advertising, Decision Making Process, Creative Merchandising, Flexographic Methods, Packaging Industry.