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Global CEO
June '05
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Meet The CEO
AmBev: The making of Brazil's global brewery
CEOs in the IT domain: Beware!
Understanding strategy
Global entrepreneurship and value vision
Venture capitalism: An opportunity before Indian investors
Role of scenarios in strategic planning
AT&T's merger with SBC
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Meet The CEO

- - PV Kannan

"My vision for 24/7 is to create an institution that has a highly select list of customers with talented individuals serving them."

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AmBev: The making of Brazil's global brewery

- - Ravi S Madapati

In March 2004, AmBev, Brazil's top brewer, merged with Interbrew, a leading brewer from Belgium, to create the world's largest brewer, InterbrewAmBev (InBev). With a portfolio of more than 200 brands and operates in 21 countries spread over the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific. Interbrew and AmBev had many reasons to merge. For Interbrew, the merger meant access to the Latin American beer market, identified as a region with high growth potential, where AmBev has a dominant market share. Inbev believes that its combined portfolio of global, regional and local brands in the industry placed it in a strong position to fully meet market needs.

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CEOs in the IT domain: Beware!

- - Dr. PK Padhi, A Vijayshankar,

Is our legal framework good enough in a rapidly changing environment? How often have statutes in the IT sector evolved in sync with the domain that they purport to safeguard? How watertight are the laws in ensuring that while the guilty do not escape from the vice-like grip of the law, the innocents are not punished? The recent arrest of Avnish Bajaj, the Chief Executive of Baazee.com, in the context of the students' sex scandal has opened a Pandora's Box. The most prominent question that has cropped up is: Is the Chief Executive/Head of a portal completely responsible for all transactions/content displays on the portal/website?

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Understanding strategy

- - Saptarshi Purkayastha

If strategy is so important for the very survival of the company, then why do companies fail to have a sound strategy? The threat to strategy, more commonly than not, arises from internal deficiency of the company rather than the external environment like changes in competition or technology. Due to the hyper competition existing in the marketplace, managers today are likely to imitate any activity of the competitors that will differentiate their product/service. However, they do not realize that such pursuits lead to being operationally effective but not strategically efficient.

Article Price : Rs.50

Global entrepreneurship and value vision

- - V Gopala Krishna, K Raj Reddy

Entrepreneurship is one of the most important dynamic forces that can help shape the economies of nations today. Entrepreneurship gives rise to new products and services or creates new value for already existing products or services. Today, the largest companies in any country are entrepreneurial in origin. Moreover, without entrepreneurs it is impossible to imagine the rapid economic progress of any developing country. Entrepreneurship is an engine that provides employment to people while generating wealth. For instance, in countries such as the Philippines, Korea, Japan and China, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) comprise around 70% of the total labor force.

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Venture capitalism: An opportunity before Indian investors

- - V Padmaja Rani, Dr. Vijaya Kumar Gudep

Venture capital is attracting the attention of Indian investors as it is more attractive when compared to traditional sources of financing. Venture capitalists finance those innovation and ideas that have a potential for higher return on investment coupled with high risk. In the broadest sense, therefore, venture capital connotes risk finance as well as managerial support. Research reveals that India is emerging as an exciting market for venture capitalists. In India, this potential is confined not only to Information Technology (IT); it is equally relevant in several other areas such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, media, entertainment, agriculture, food processing, telecommunications and other services. This research article highlights the need for developing a congenial environment for the growth of the venture capital industry in India on par with such industries in America, Europe and Asian countries like Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. This article also throws light on the venture capital environment in India and the challenges lying ahead.

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Role of scenarios in strategic planning

- - VV Gopal

This article emphasizes the importance of scenarios in strategic planning and examines how a company can build and sustain competitive advantage by using scenarios. The author explains a methodology for scenario construction and integration of scenarios into strategic plans. Competent managers are not necessarily effective scenario planners. Towards this end, the author advocates developing an organizational culture that promotes the concept of scenarios.

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AT&T's merger with SBC

- - Ravi Madapati

For AT&T, merging with SBC represents the next step forward in a series of mergers and break-ups that the company has been going through since the early 1980s. For SBC, the combination promises immediate global leadership in the enterprise segment where corporations and governments require complex communication solutions and services and access to advanced national and global networks. SBC expects the AT&T deal to close in the first half of 2006 after the US Justice Department, the Federal Communications Commission, state public utility commissions and foreign authorities give their approval.

Article Price : Rs.50

Lenovo's globalization strategies

- - Vivek Gupta, Jaya D Sangtani

This case describes in detail the various steps taken by Lenovo, the leading PC manufacturer in China, in its effort to go global. The steps include changing its corporate name from Legend to Lenovo, sponsoring the 2008 Olympic Games and most importantly, acquiring IBM's PC unit. The case examines the need for Lenovo to globalize and critically analyzes the efficacy of the above steps in the company's globalization plans. It also highlights the challenges faced by Lenovo in its path towards globalization.

Seeing What's Next

- - Clayton M Christensen, Scott D Anthony and Erik A Roth

There is a flawed paradigm that decisions should be grounded in solid analysis of data. When managers attempt to do something that has not been done before, or when the future is going to be different from the past, the paradigm breaks down. Data is only available about the past. This book attempts to help executives anticipate industry change, even when convincing data is not yet available. A key message of this book is that the level of one's insight is not strictly a function of the level of one's access to unique or proprietary information. Armed with the right concepts, anyone can produce insights that surpass those of analysts with a more detailed knowledge of the industry.



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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): The Changing Face of Banking in India

Bank Management
Information and communication technology has changed the way in which banks provide services to its customers. These days the customers are able to perform their routine banking transactions without even entering the bank premises. ATM is one such development in recent years, which provides remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the development of this self-service banking in India based on the secondary data.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing a very important role in the progress and advancement in almost all walks of life. The deregulated environment has provided an opportunity to restructure the means and methods of delivery of services in many areas, including the banking sector. The ICT has been a focused issue in the past two decades in Indian banking. In fact, ICTs are enabling the banks to change the way in which they are functioning. Improved customer service has become very important for the very survival and growth of banking sector in the reforms era. The technological advancements, deregulations, and intense competition due to the entry of private sector and foreign banks have altered the face of banking from one of mere intermediation to one of provider of quick, efficient and customer-friendly services. With the introduction and adoption of ICT in the banking sector, the customers are fast moving away from the traditional branch banking system to the convenient and comfort of virtual banking. The most important virtual banking services are phone banking, mobile banking, Internet banking and ATM banking. These electronic channels have enhanced the delivery of banking services accurately and efficiently to the customers. The ATMs are an important part of a bank’s alternative channel to reach the customers, to showcase products and services and to create brand awareness. This is reflected in the increase in the number of ATMs all over the world. ATM is one of the most widely used remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the growth of ATMs of different bank groups in India.
International Scenario

If ATMs are largely available over geographically dispersed areas, the benefit from using an ATM will increase as customers will be able to access their bank accounts from any geographic location. This would imply that the value of an ATM network increases with the number of available ATM locations, and the value of a bank network to a customer will be determined in part by the final network size of the banking system. The statistical information on the growth of branches and ATM network in select countries.

Indian Scenario

The financial services industry in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth, diversification and specialization since the initiation of financial sector reforms in 1991. Greater customer orientation is the only way to retain customer loyalty and withstand competition in the liberalized world. In a market-driven strategy of development, customer preference is of paramount importance in any economy. Gone are the days when customers used to come to the doorsteps of banks. Now the banks are required to chase the customers; only those banks which are customercentric and extremely focused on the needs of their clients can succeed in their business today.


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