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The Analyst Magazine:
Harry Potter and the Magic of Sales : What Does the Future Hold for Bloomsbury?

The publication of the Harry Potter series is undoubtedly the publishing event of the century. But the question is: Is Bloomsbury ready for the post-Potter future?


He couldn't know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: "To Harry Potter—the boy who lived!"

Will `the boy who lived' meet with a tragic end finally? That is the question which has been troubling millions of Harry Potter fans all over the world for quite some time now. As the readers are preparing for the `scar', which the author JK Rowling has said is going to be the last word of the seventh and final novel in the Potter series—Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the publishers of Harry Potter series, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., UK, might be preparing for a scar of a different kind.

In other words, while the readers are worried as to what will happen to Harry at the end, Bloomsbury might be wondering what will happen to their sales figures and earnings once the publishing phenomenon called Harry Potter series comes to an end with the publication of the last novel in the series.Rowling in a post on her website on parting ways with the boy-wizard, who is engaged in a do-or-die battle against his nemesis Lord Voldemort, turns emotional and says, "I always knew that Harry's story would end with the seventh book, but saying goodbye has been just as hard as I always knew it would be."


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