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Global CEO Magazine:
Our objective is to build world-class buildings, while providing valuable contributions to the economies of the communities we serve.

Bhavana Developers Pvt. Ltd. is committed to being the leading real estate developer in Hyderabad, India, by its focus on: Professionalism of its staff; experienced executives; world-class technology platform providing executives and clients with 7/24/365 status reporting capability on all projects; comprehensive financial system ready to support complex multi-year projects; creative architects; innovative projects focusing on all client needs, including the need to `be Green'; and committed project teams and contractors. During 2008, Bhavana is presenting its revolutionary new projects, which complement developments surrounding the opening of the New Hyderabad International Airport.


You are being very kind and you have made my day! I guess whatever you have said describes me fairly accurately but I have changed my pursuits, roles, and perspectives from time to time, evolving from a lone ranger to a team player, from an entrepreneur to a growth partner, from being merely an American citizen to a global human being who wishes to bring more comfort and happiness within the reach of the world's multitude who deserve better. I feel that this can be done through better management of resources for which investment in infrastructure is called for and I feel that more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) funds should flow to some of the more populous countries where such investment can remove the remaining bottlenecks, thereby speeding up growth.

We are now moving into dangerous territory but you asked for it. Let us take the case of India. If you take the GDP growth rates achieved by India in the last few years, Indians seem to feel very proud. But let us also look at what was actually happening as well as what is needed and then how much is enough? No country exists in isolation. If you take the case of China, they have been growing at a fantastic pace although they were nearly isolated until 1978. But they discovered the need to invite foreign capital into their country to start and speed up their growth engine, and if the relative growth rates remain what they are today, China will roar past all countries, and they have long since left India far behind. We must look at the comparative performance or the dream of the great Indian century may elude India!.


Global CEO Magazine, Bhavana Developers Pvt. Limited, Global Financial System, Hyderabad International Airport, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, Business Law, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Indian Economy, Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, Real Estate Investment Trust.