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MBA Review Magazine:
Avoid Micromanagement for Better Management

 Micromanagers try to show that they are good and involved managers and are concerned with the minute details on continuous basis. They waste their time on tiny details and revisions. They are overinvolved with their subordinates or colleagues. Micromanagement should be avoided to enhance efficiency at workplace.


`Tell what's to be done and not how it is to be done' is a popular saying. The key to a successful delegation also suggests that once the deadlines are decided, it is useless to discuss the minute details frequently. There should be clarity between the degree of control and micromanagement as the latter can lead to mismanagement. Control is best understood as monitoring the progress of work as per the decided schedule, identification of deviations and their immediate rectification. Micromanagement is, frequently calling for performance updates just to exert over-control. It hampers the progress of work and also demotivates the performer. It has psychological implications and is bound to create stress in the relations and ultimately in the organization. Micromanagement can be useful during the initial stage of a subordinate's career where he has many things to learn but otherwise it is disadvantageous and must be discouraged at all stages of management in the organization.

It is really easy to identify micromanagement. Micromanagers delegate only the work and give no freedom for working. They are interested in each and every minute detail of the task and keep poking their nose in the process and procedures of working. Micromanagers have obsession for control. They wish to take all the decisions by themselves and do not allow the performer to operate in his style. They are poor at delegation. They delegate neither responsibility nor authority. They do not know how to get the work done effectively. Another symptom of micromanagement is overseeing. It is related to going extra miles unnecessarily and to keep on asking for progress as well as to suggest ways to complete the task. Micromanagers have lack of faith in others. Either they do not have or do not want to have confidence in the capacities and capabilities of others.


MBA Review Magazine, Micromanagement, Management Styles, Management Pathologies, Organizational Goals, Organizational Objectives, Decision Making Process, Business Management, Management Functions, P roject Management, Working environment.