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MBA Review Magazine:
Creating Brand Personality in 21st Century

 Brand personality is an interesting concept in today's marketing. It is one of the core dimensions of brand building process as well as decision- making for buying a product, as it gives a competitive edge to the brand to establish an identity of its own in the marketplace.


Normally customers tend to assign a distinct personality to a brand, depending on various associations with it. It also assists brands to increase their market share, command price premium and increase the bottom line growth of the brand's company. When the brand personality matches the customer personality, it creates more value to the brand. Today, marketers spend a huge amount of money in creating brand personality through the major tools of dynamic communication and advertising. Marketers are also utilizing the services of innovative advertising techniques and famous celebrities to catch the customer's attention. A brand personality is defined as "the set of human characteristics associated with a brand".

Brand personality can be explained in many ways, such as tangible or intangible aspects of the brand, emotional and human characteristic, etc. In the competitive scenario, brand personalities enable the consumers to differentiate between brands. The researchers argue that, like every human being, every brand has its own personality. The consumer judges the brand based on his feelings towards it ,as observed along various dimensions.. Hence, each and every form of appearance of brand that influences the customer is attributable to its personality. Celebrity endorsements, advertising, message etc., enhance the customer's awareness of the brand and help him in judging the value of the brand personality. Researchers argue that, competitors can match the price, product features and functional aspects of the product but they cannot match brand personality which stands for the original brand. This is where the brand personality becomes a competitive advantage for the marketer.


MBA Review Magazine, Brand Personality, Decision- Making process, Advertising Techniques, Communication Strategies, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group Limited, Organizational Goals, advertising Companies, Jennifer L Aaker, Vijay Mallaya, UB Group Limited, Brand Management, Coca-cola, Pepsi, Celebrity Endorsements, Branding Strategy.