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MBA Review Magazine:
Getting Your Dream Job with 10 P's

 In the era of tough competition, employers are searching for aim-oriented people rather than money-oriented people. So strike a balance between the two by cultivating your skills and knowledge to match the requirements.


The job market is hard to crack. There is no shortcut to get your dream job. Only a few manage to get it easily. But for the rest, the path is full of hurdles. You need to understand that no one owes you a job; you need to search for it and in order to enter the corporate world you need to face the interviewer. Many people feel that facing the corporate interview is the most difficult part in one's life. But there is nothing to be so scared of. The 10 Points (P's) suggested in the article will help one to enter and come out of the interview process very comfortably and confidently.

Here I would like the reader to give a thought to the world's leading motivational speaker, Jim Rohn's quote before going into the article: "You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills". So, if you want to achieve your dream job, you need to magnify your skills or give up your dreams and compromise with the available.

The job market is extremely competitive and today you cannot consider any job to be permanent. Even if you are employed, you cannot be sure for how long, because the duration/tenure of your job is not just dependent on your proclivity, but it is also up to the people you are working for. So either as a fresher or as an employed person, you need to be prepared to search for a job anytime. And you also need to understand that no one owes you a job, you need to search for it. During your search journey, you need to understand `yourself' and the corporate requirements, which will help you to bridge the `you-corporate' divide and will enable you to hone the required skills to match the expectations.


MBA Review Magazine, Job Market, Interview Process, Body Language, Stress Interview, Leadership Qualities, Global Motivational Speaker, Peter F Drucker, Group Discussions, Career Strategies, Career Goals, Business Management.