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MBA Review Magazine:
Self-Management : Key to Organizational Success

 If the employees consciously aim at self-management, they can enhance their efficiency which in turn would result in organizational success.


In a market-driven competitive economy, thesuccess of an organization is influenced by the employees, their caliber, their performances and desire to succeed. Unlike other assets which depreciate with time and age, human resources appreciate with age and experience. So, employees are valuable resources of an organization. Without improving and updating the knowledge and skills of the employees, it is meaningless for the organization to take initiative for improving production, productivity and quality. It is the prime responsibility of the organization to create and develop a working culture and environment where the job is extremely enjoyable, thus ensuring full involvement/commitment of employees in/to their work. But in spite of all this, the most important factor which plays a key role in organizational success is employees' (worker) self-management.

Self-management is nothing but the ability to manage one's own emotions and being resilient in a range of complex, challenging and diverse situations. It is a constant process of behavioral change and decision-making which can be achieved by improving knowledge, skills and attitudes of the employees. The employees need to manage their emotions when it is a challenge to their own values. Self-management is highly dependant on self-awareness and self-evaluation. A high level of self-awareness enables one to learn from mistakes and self-evaluation to determine systematically the pros and cons and significance of something. Employees can appreciably enhance their individual effectiveness by honestly evaluating their complex behavior and opting appropriate self-management strategies that maximize their strengths and minimize weaknesses.


MBA Review Magazine, Self-Management, Decision-Making Process, Human Resources Management, Management Strategies, Organizational Culture, Organizational Goals, Knowledge Acquisition, Quality Management, Knowledge Economy.