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HRM Review Magazine:
Demystifying Assessment and Development Centers

It is difficult for a person to function well unless he discovers his potentials and competencies. Assessment and Development (A&D) centers make their presence felt during the recruitment phase and select the required candidates based on their `competencies'.

Employees, it is believed, are the only permanent source of sustainable competitive advantage. If, however, a faulty placement policy is at work, it would be a case of a large number of round pegs in square holes. The organization will not be able to optimize its potential and the employees would be performing at a lower level of productivity. Both the organization and the employees are likely to be unhappy, underperforming and at times working at cross-purposes. Similarly, if a few square pegs are occupying round holes too, then the solution would appear to be quite simple: Just pluck out the odd fitting pegs and relocate these in a well coordinated placement move! All you need to do is to recognize who is suitable for what job and relocate the seats. The management, while agreeing that this may help, would wish things were that simple.

The current business environment has become very competitive and challenging. Nothing short of excellence is acceptable. According to Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, the authors of "First Break All The RulesWhat the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently", people are unique in that they possess different talents and that, given suitable jobs, they can excel in the workplace. Management, after careful selection of new recruits, should assign them jobs eminently suitable to their special talents. If this is done carefully, managers need only provide proper guidance and control to enable the employees to perform at a very high level, taking the organization to new heights. Sustaining a high level of employee satisfaction would result in lower employee turnover.


Assessment and Development (A&D), recruitment phase,competencies, faulty placement policy,level of productivity, current business environment, competitive,challenging, employee satisfaction,lower employee turnover,Management.