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HRM Review Magazine:
Strategies for Retaining Employees

In today's competitive world, a bitter truth needs to be digested that organizations can't restrict employees from changing jobs due to various reasons. Even the employers find it difficult to attract new employees and to retain them. While they attract the employees through numerous factors such as providing better career growth, good salary, etc, they also need to retain them by reflecting better understanding and changing employee mindsets.

Talent management' has by now become a buzzword in the lexicon of HR management. In the present corporate days of job hopping and quick career achievement, changing jobs for personal reasons of growth and fulfillment have forced the companies to face a new reality of managing their most competitive assetemployees.

However, if we look carefully at this emerging problem, we will find that this is merely a symptom and the root of the problem lies elsewhere. The flight of talent from an organization is not due to factors that lie intrinsic to the individual but rather due to external manifestation of the systemic problem in proper HR management in the organization. In other words, if your company delivered the deliverables to its employees, then they would not have left your company at all. And no one knows better than senior executives that they "make promises which they cannot (or do not want to) keep" while they were recruiting people for their company.


Career growth, good salary, employee mindsets,Talent management,HR management,job hopping,quick career achievement,competitive assetemployees,external manifestation,senior executives.