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HRM Review Magazine:
Organizational Performance and Dynamism

The organization one serves makes clear demands on the employee, in the shape of specific deliverables. Routine operation acts as an alternate for the pursuit of excellence. Unlocking dynamism is not difficult if we understand that we are dealing with responsive people.

In a dynamic market place, organizational performance of an exceptionally high order is a pre-requisite for long-term survival and growth. This can happen if most of the employees and managers, across the enterprise, willingly and happily accept the challenges, share the extra burden, and come forward to solve problems voluntarily, at their own level, in a spirit of adventure and bon homie (read team spirit). Exceptionally gifted leadership can create this atmosphere in any organization and ready it for the future.

In most organizations, however, quite the opposite atmosphere may be prevailing, with employees openly or secretly resisting management initiatives, blocking changes, leading to a general spirit of defeatism pervading the organization, the atmosphere vitiated by non-involvement and blame-game. Such organizations may not smell like very exciting places to work in. Routine performance substitutes the pursuit of excellence. Signs of organizational ageing and the spirit of decay are visible everywhere in such organizations. Does the average age of employees of the organization have any thing to do with this.

organization, spirit, atmosphere, employees, excellence, performance, challenges, demands, difficult, dynamic, dynamism, future, enterprise, visible, specific, understand, willingly, secretly, growth, adventure, Exceptionally