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The IUP Journal of English Studies :


The concept of wilderness-ideating nature in a state untarnished by civilization, is the eminent construct of nature available to modern environmentalism. The hermeneutics of wilderness embedded in literature, often explores the tenuous spaces between human beings and nature. Wilderness in a sense, reminds us of what it means to be vulnerably human. Terry Tempest Williams belongs to this American literary tradition, which explores Nature as the fountainhead of all experience. An author, environmentalist and activist, Williams published her novel Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place in 1991. In her novel, Williams weaves a poignant memoir of seven years-her mother's battle with ovarian cancer and the synchronous flooding of the `Refuge', a natural comfort zone for Williams since childhood. A narrative of terrible loss, "Refuge" records life that spirals earthwards from a once vibrant and cherished plane. In a profoundly symbolic memoir, Williams struggles to mediate her relationship with Nature, her mother's terminal illness and the lacerations of her own psyche. This paper explores the understanding of these lost scapes-landscape, bodyscape and mindscape-in the context of eco-critical thought, with these three significant positions situated as striations in Nature's larger design.

"What do we wish? To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from".


The Ground of Our Being: A Study of Eroded Scapes in Terry Tempest Williams Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place, explores, Refuge, memoir, bodyscape, cherished, civilization, comfort, construct, earthwards, ecocritical, environmentalism, environmentalist, experience, fountainhead, hermeneutics, lacerations, mediate, literature, mindscapein, modern, narrative, ovarian, positions, poignant, psyche