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HRM Review Magazine:
Spiritual Work Culture: Need of the Hour

Today, organizational culture is fast emerging as a source of competitive advantage. Organizations cannot face challenges like high attrition rate, absenteeism, and low performance by merely offering fancy benefits and perks. But they can surely be challenged by creating an open and free organizational culture where people just cannot think of leaving. People can put in their best efforts only when they feel they are in a right place to work. This article focuses on bridging the gap between workplace and spirituality and throws light on activities that foster spirituality at workplace.


Spirituality and workplace are not two extremes of a continuum. But they are two parts of a compartment. Today, workplace is not viewed as a place to just earn one's bread and butter but as a place to nourish one's soul. Human happiness is one of the ultimate objectives for which businesses and industrial enterprises exist. However, the sad truth is that although various economies in the world have seen phenomenal material progress, they are still unable to achieve the target of human happiness at workplace. Human happiness is infected with petty politicking, me-first attitude, cheating, which is considered as necessary condition for winning, and result orientation which is often used as a justification for unethical and immoral practices. Human beings, by nature, cannot find happiness with the above characteristics. Organizations are trying very hard to give job satisfaction at workplace. In this regard, organizations are very innovative and exploiting multiple ways that can increase the job satisfaction levels of its employees. These techniques give momentary results but are unable to provide the same level of satisfaction for a longer period. With the organizational culture infected, administering any number of HR interventions will not yield satisfaction unless the culture at workplace and basic thinking of employees change. Hence, organizations need to cultivate spirituality at workplace.

Cultivating a spiritual work culture is a win-win situation for both the management and the employees. Organizations and employees can be benefitted in many ways. Two Indian companies Wipro and Infosys have demonstrated to the world at large that good corporate governance practices can put the business on high pedestal. Both companies have consistently taken a long, hard, but ethical route to achieve greatness. Poll conducted by KRC Research for spirituality in 2003 found that 6 out of 10 people say workplaces would benefit immensely if there is abundant expression of spirit at workplaces. A study done by McKinsey in Australia found the productivity perking up and turnover reduced for the employees. (Source: www.indianmba.com/Faculty_Column/FC580/fc580.html)


HRM Review Magazine, Spiritual Work Culture, Organizational Culture, Industrial Enterprises, Spiritual Literature, Global Environment, Moral Values, Personality Reengineering, Servant Leadership, Management Games, Group Spiritual Theme, Management Commitment.