Pub. Date | : Jan, 2024 |
Product Name | : The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering |
Product Type | : Article |
Product Code | : IJSE010124 |
Author Name | : Lakshmi C, Sridhar R, Prasad CSMV and Sinchana S |
Availability | : YES |
Subject/Domain | : Science and Technology |
Download Format | : PDF Format |
No. of Pages | : 15 |
Shear failure is a crucial criterion in reinforced concrete (RC) deep beams. The paper studies the behavior of five deep beams reinforced with varied shapes of reinforcement and CFRP sheets. Two samples were analyzed using the conventional type shear reinforcement; the third sample had truss-shaped shear reinforcement, combos of strut and tie; the fourth had a Rolled I section to better understand how deep beams behave compositely; and the fifth was conventional type beam wrapped with 1.8 mm thickness CFRP sheet, tested for shear. Several variables were investigated using Abaqus software, including S-Tresca stress, percentage of shear reinforcement, load versus deflection, shear stress and equivalent plastic strain.
Deep beams are beams that have substantial depths in relation to their spans. Simply
supported beams are considered deep if their effective span is less than twice as
deep as their total depth, and continuous beams are considered deep if their L/D
ratios are less than 2.5, according to clause 29 of IS: 456 (2000).
When the shear span-to-depth ratio of deep beams falls below 2.5 to 0.5, the
reinforcement for shear perpendicular to the longitudinal axis is no longer as
efficient as it is in normal beams. The shear capacity will also be increased by
dispersed reinforcement running parallel to the longitudinal axis. Using the shear
CFRP, Truss shape reinforcement, Composite deep beam, Equivalent plastic strain, S-Tresca stresses, Load versus deflection
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