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Effective Executive Magazine:
The 7 Ps of Successful Salesmanship: Passion, Persistence, Pro-activeness, Personableness, Positiveness, Preparedness and Professionalism

Sell well! Successful selling is easy to attain if you know how. In this paper, through review of literature and focus group study, the author uncovers the 7 Ps that are essential for successful salesmanship.

Sell well! Successful selling is easy to attain if you know how. In this paper, through review of literature and focus group study, the author uncovers the 7 Ps that are essential for successful salesmanship.

Products or services, once developed, must be sold. Organizations need good personal selling efforts to compete in today's marketplace. Salespeople help make companies successful; they are revenue-generators! The aim of this article is, basically, to define the Ps in successful selling, and what it takes to be a successful salesperson. Selecting salespeople would not be a problem if the company know what traits or attributes to look for. The search still continues for the magic list of traits that spell sales success; however, it is hoped that this study will be able to provide some, if not all, of the answers.

Interestingly, while marketing has its own Ps, this study now brings forth the Ps in selling, in terms of the qualities of successful salespersons.

These focus groups have the necessary advantage. Consisting of seven members, they are of `the right size'(according to Burns and Bush, 2003: 213). Focus groups of fewer than six members are seen as not likely to generate the high energy and the group dynamics necessary for a truly beneficial focus group session. The members were randomly picked from the researchers' contacts who had sales experiences; and they also had some business experiences.


Successful Salesmanship, 7Ps, literature, group study, Products, services, developed, Organizations, selling efforts, marketplace, Salespeople companies successful, revenue-generators, magic list, traits that spell sales success, qualities Burns and Bush, dynamics, researchers, business experiences.