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Global CEO Magazine:
Forensic Accounting : Innovative Tool for Corporate Sector

The emergence of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) has opened the door for the organizations to work globally. With the increase in the operation of the organizations, the chances of frauds and white collar crimes have also increased. It is necessary to detect the fraud at the pre-stage so that the resultant damage/loss can be minimized. Forensic Accounting can play a vital role by working as a focal point to detect the frauds, investigate them and recommend measures to protect the organization from such instances. Forensic Accounting can work as an important constituent of management control and information system. This article attempts to find the various areas of Forensic Accounting and explains how Forensic Accounting can be applied in the corporate sector as an innovative tool to get success and avoid frauds and crimes.


In the present scenario, there has been tremendous increase in the financial frauds, white collar crimes, and professional negligence, etc., due to flourishing businesses and diversified operations. Recent accounting frauds and requirement of transparency, as well as governance, gives rise to the need of Forensic Accounting in the corporate sector. Internal and external auditors can only check the arithmetical accuracy and the compliance with the Accounting Standards and Auditing Standards and Policies in the preparation of books of accounts. This new arena of accounting would be helpful to detect suspicious business transactions, frauds and other criminal offences.

The concept of Forensic Accounting has emerged since long. Kautaliya was the Economist who had discovered the methods of detecting frauds. Similarly, Birbal reportedly analyzed some dubious deals to dig out the truth. Forensic Accounting is basically the application of accounting knowledge, principles, methods, interpersonal skills and analytical skills to look beyond the numbers, to detect the various offences and frauds in the books of accounts.

Forensic Accounting can work as an important constituent of management control and information system. This article attempts to find the various areas of Forensic Accounting and explains how Forensic Accounting can be applied in the corporate sector as an innovative tool to get success and avoid frauds and crimes. In the present scenario, there has been tremendous increase in the financial frauds, white collar crimes, and professional negligence, etc., due to flourishing businesses and diversified operations. Recent accounting frauds and requirement of transparency, as well as governance, gives rise to the need of Forensic Accounting in the corporate sector. Internal and external auditors can only check the arithmetical accuracy and the compliance with the Accounting Standards and Auditing Standards and Policies in the preparation of books of accounts.


Forensic Accounting, Innovative Tool for Corporate Sector, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization , LPG, Innovative tool , Kautaliya, Economist, Accounting and Auditing Standards, Accounting frauds, Interpersonal skills, Analytical skills.