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Professional Banker Magazine:
Towards Sound and Strong Banking

Value-based banking involves safe and sound banking practices, better HR policies, superior corporate governance and adoption of international best practices, besides compliance with a good code of ethics. Bankers need to prepare a vision document on value-based banking for future use.


In financial systems across the world, today's buzzwords are competition, consolidation and stability, proactive and prudential regulations, enhanced transparency and accountability, best practices of corporate governance, comprehensive and effective regulation and supervision. These have together played a key role in creating a secure and conducive environment for the functioning of the financial system.

However, the driving force in the path ahead will be the immense skill capabilities that one possesses in terms of human resources. Now, `human bias' is likely to get stronger and quality of human resources will become the cutting edge of competitiveness. A forward-looking approach to our long-term vision must focus on human resources in a continuous cycle of competency and development.

In order to face competition and survive in the market, we have to adopt value-based banking. In keeping with the technological advancement in the banking system and enhanced technical skills of the staff, there is also an increase in the number of frauds. Thus, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) syndrome has somewhat led to rising columns of fire and smoke of frauds and scams. Therefore, we have to use the liberalized and deregulated regime with utmost dignity and honesty.


Value-based banking , Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, LPG, Technological Advancement, Technical Skills, Corporate Governance, Enhanced Transparency and Accountability, Value-Based Banking.