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HRM Review Magazine:

Strategy alone cannot create value for organizations. What companies need are highly motivated and dedicated employees who are emotionally and intellectually involved in their work and their organization. In other words, they need `engaged employees' to execute strategy and achieve business results. It calls for a certain culture, leadership model and HR philosophy that build and sustain employee engagement.


Anything less than having employees engaged with your strategy guarantees sub optimization and places a break on your quest for excellence.Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. But strategy by itself cannot create value for organizations. Whether the strategic goal is market growth, diversification, or investing in new opportunities, strategy is realized only through the actions of employees. Execution is the key to gaining competitive advantage and execution becomes achievable only through employee engagement.

This article elucidates the concept of employee engagement and motivates employers to invest in employee engagement. It highlights the significance of having an engaged workforce in the 21st Century business scenario by exploring the drivers of employee engagement. Finally, it presents a brief overview of the leadership model, culture and HR philosophy that best employers adopt to ensure their employees are engaged with business strategy so as to achieve extraordinary results.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Strategic Goals, Leadership Models, Work Environment, Organization Goals, Management Strategy, Organization Strategic Goals, Performance Appraisal Systems, Performance Management, Business Strategy, Soft Skills, Leadership Skills.