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HRM Review Magazine:

While a man needs to work for eking out his livelihood, he has to give himself a healthy break from the daily drudgery in the interest of his body, mind, family and society. He should be enabled to achieve this balance so that the employer derives the benefit of having a satisfied employee. Consequently, the subject of `work-life balance' is now increasingly becoming the focal point of study by HRM experts and the managing teams of the employing corporates. Work-life balance is as vital to the employing corporates, as it is to the employee. For an employer, a highly satisfied and hardly stressed employee is an invaluable asset and a virile source of productivity. For an employee work-life balance would mean stress-free, enjoyable private life.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is such a common, clichéd saying that ripples out of the infantile mouths of even school going toddlers. May be the spirit behind these words convey the necessity more appropriately for an adult, a working `Man', not to forget his obligations towards self, his family and even society as a whole. While he needs to work for eking out his livelihood, he has, firstly, to give himself a healthy break from the daily drudgery in the interest of his body and mind. Secondly, he has his own role carved, as it were, to play as father, son or brother or any other prop in his family.

Thirdly, he has also to be an active and helpful member of society, like being a good friend, good neighbor, good colleague, etc. These obligations and roles also demand a good part of his time. But nothing has such an asphyxiating, immutable limit as a day, the single spin of the earth, the 24 hours. Out of this limited unit of time, a thinking person at the workplace endeavors to set apart adequate time for his obligations other than the calls of office or workplace.


HRM Review Magazine, Work-Life Balance, Human Resource Management, HRM, Welfare Organizations, Management Skills, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, HRM policies, Stress Management, Management Strategies, Work-life Strategy, Business Goals.