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The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management :
Prioritizing the Service Failures of Package Delivery Business: An Analytical Hierarchy Process Analysis

Service failures happen in service businesses at times. Failures impact the service quality of the business and mandate proportionate service recovery actions. Prioritizing the service failures can bring discipline and focus in implementing the recovery plan of the service company. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been implemented here in failure prioritization for the first time. Service failures are recognized to originate variously as customer-induced, company-induced and their business associate-induced. Failure rate and intensity of incidence are both considered important for prioritization. In extending the current knowledge, this research finds four factors of service failures in order of importance, viz., service process failure, employee action failure, business associate action failure and customer action failure in a package delivery business for deploying their recovery resources most productively


Services are increasingly becoming dominant in world economies and so is the competition between the service organizations. With the increasing role of services, quality issues are becoming major areas of concern for both organizational stakeholders and researchers because of their significant contribution to cost, business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty (Silvestro and Cross, 2000; and Sureshchandar et al., 2002).

Package delivery service market has three distinct segments: business-to-business, business-to-customer and customer-to-customer on individual basis. Service quality is a composite summary reflection on several dimensions of expected performance of a service provider, for it impacts all segments secularly. Opportunities of service failures can pressurize the performance, which, therefore, requires to be sought after for elimination. Nevertheless, service failures keep emerging and keep impacting the service businesses, which adds a dimension that absence and/or extinction of service failures has a positive impact on service quality across all market segments. This requires a two-pronged approach of assessment and instituting the remedial measures. Although the service business managers in package delivery businesses and elsewhere have been addressing these challenges via service recovery measures on the assessed failures, the role of service failure prioritization remained there implicit at the most, or went unaccounted for by default at the worst, whereas the prioritization of failures of incidence rate and intensity can bring more discipline to service recovery and make them sharper.


Supply Chain Management Journal, Intangibility, Heterogeneity, Inseparability and Perishability (IHIP), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Prioritizing, Service Failures, Package Delivery Business, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Analysis.