The IUP Journal of Information Technology
A Competence-Based Recruitment System Using Mean Deviation

Article Details
Pub. Date : Jun, 2019
Product Name : The IUP Journal of Information Technology
Product Type : Article
Product Code : IJIT21906
Author Name : Bridget Chinalu Ujah-Ogbuagu
Availability : YES
Subject/Domain : Engineering
Download Format : PDF Format
No. of Pages : 16



The backbone of every establishment or institution is the quality of its staff. The success of establishments depends to a large extent on the caliber of their staff. Many establishments have suffered the effect of recruiting staff members who are certificate qualified but not competent in the job. It is therefore very important for establishments to make sure that applicants are thoroughly screened to ensure that they are both certificate qualified and competent for the job they are applying. The paper uses a 3-phase verification procedure to ensure that applicants who are recommended for interview for a job are qualified and competent. The 3-phase approach uses mean deviation to check the dispersion between Performance on Curriculum Vitae Test (PCVT) score and Computer Aptitude Test (CAT) score for each applicant. If the dispersion is considered to be too wide, the applicant is disqualified. Also, if an applicant’s mean score is less than the entire population mean score, the applicant is disqualified. A website is developed as a platform for the 3-phase verification procedure. MySQL, Ajax, Java, PHP and HTML web tools were employed in the development of the competence-based recruitment system and its interface.


The expectation of every organization, business firm, company or institution is to maximize output and make profit (George and Patrick, 2015). An age-long secret often used to maximize profit in establishments is to look for the right labor force that will be instrumental to achieving the goal (Yang et al., 2016). In most cases, this expectation is cut short because establishments end up hiring incompetent staff members to run their affairs (David, 2016). The issue of recruitment is therefore considered a very important life line to every establishment. No establishment will surrender its foremost interest (i.e., maximizing profit) in the hands of employees who masquerade their incompetence behind wonderful certificates obtained through various means of cheating. Therefore, recruiting qualified employees is paramount to a business running smoothly and efficiently.


Competence recruitment, Recruitment system, Mean deviation, Human Resource Management (HRM)