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The Analyst Magazine:
Mythical Art of Greece

Much has been written about the citadel of art and culture of the ancient western world—the isles of Greece, the austere yet beautiful land of astonishing variety. The Western world has had a long-standing engagement with the arts of war and peace of ancient Greece. The Golden Age of Athens, the Age of Pericles, has come to symbolize perfection in human civilized life. The "Greek miracle", signifies the achievements of ancient Greece in fields of art, literature, philosophy and governance, which has shaped the Western civilization over the ages.


Greek religion or mythology combines reason and poetry, which is the essence of what is considered to be the Greek miracle. The Greek imagination personified the faculties and attributes of the human soul such as intelligence, sensibility, the aggressive instinct, the genius of trade, the creative gift, lyrical power and so on. Every lake, river, stream, mountain, forest, city or plain and every part of the sea had its own deity. Represented in myths and images, these Gods and Goddesses and characters like the Graces, Muses, Fate, Amazons, Giants, Centaurs, etc. have been an endless source of reflection for the arts, poetry and drama. Myths involving superhuman feats were often portrayed on vases, sculptures and statues in Greek temples.

Precision and excellence of workmanship—the hallmarks of the art of ancient Greece—is best exemplified in the Greek temples with its symmetry and harmony. The remains of temples and public buildings, decorated by magnificent sculptures and statues in Athens—the artistic center of the Greek world—proclaim its rich and varied artistic history. The most remarkable and perfect among them is the Parthenon—the chief temple of Athens, dedicated to the goddess of wisdom, Athena.


The Analyst Magazine, Mythical Art of Greece, Greek Miracle, Western Civilization, Greek Religion, Mythological Scenes, Greek Temples, Monumental Sculptures, Architectural Masterpieces, Greek Painting, Religious Venerations.