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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Changes Impacting Marketing in the Financial Services Sector

The recent past has witnessed a variety of changes. One that has affected the financial services sector most significantly has, of course, been the capital market crash. That apart, there have been many other changes relating to technology, customer expectations, and so on. This article takes a look at some of these changes and how they have impacted marketing in the financial services sector.


Over the last one and a half years, people across the globe have felt the impact of the economic downturn in one way or the other, resulting in significant changes in living and working conditions, relationships, leisure time, etc. This is basically a testing time for the human community at large. It is a time of transition, and a time of struggle; and one of seeking the path to recovery and growth.

There is a famous stock exchange maxim - "No one was ever ruined by taking a profit." This is quite true. However, one should also give a thought about the changes that were behind the earnings of those profits. The financial sector landscape of our country has altered substantially during the past decade, beginning with the reforms initiated during the 1990s. These reforms have undeniably opened up the constituent segments to competition and liberalized operations, making marketing their life blood.

The integration of Indian financial markets with the global markets is now well-established. The earlier growth trend, last year's downturn and the current upward movement of the Indian capital markets have completely defied the well-established historical pattern, and stand in evidence of the enmeshing of the domestic and global markets. In fact, going further, it could be said that the Indian financial system enjoys some kind of a "best of both worlds" advantage.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Financial Services Sector, Indian Financial Markets, Indian Capital Markets, Global Markets, Economic Recovery, Economic Globalization, Business Competitiveness, Financial Services Industry, Business Goals, Short Messaging Services, SMS, Mutual Funds, Tax Planning Services, Online Applications.