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The IUP Journal of Applied Finance

May-June' 05
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Focus Areas
  • Business Environment
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Equity Markets
  • Debt Market
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Services
  • Portfolio Management
  • International Finance
  • Risk Management
An Empirical Analysis of Share Buybacks in India
Market Timing: An Analytical Framework
Venture Capital: Global Scenario
Determinants of External Equity Finance: Evidence from the Indian Corporate Sector
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An Empirical Analysis of Share Buybacks in India

-- A K Mishra

Share buybacks have become a common event in the financial markets worldwide. In a share buyback program, the company distributes the excess cash flow among the shareholders by way of repurchasing its own shares, generally at a premium. Among the various reasons for doing so, the most prominent one is the fact that the company wants to indicate to the shareholders that it has huge confidence in itself. In India share buybacks were introduced in 1998 and have received attention of all major companies. Since then there has been a spate of announcements of share buybacks. This paper examines empirically the announcement period price reaction and whether management is acting in the best interest of non-tendering shareholders when it engages in targeted share buyback. An exhaustive list of all the financial parameters was considered for the purpose of analysis and the data was collected through online databases. A trend analysis was performed on various parameters like share prices of these companies during and post buyback period. Various performance measures were also used to draw conclusions regarding their trends from pre-buyback to post-buyback period. The study finds that for the Indian corporate, the long-term advantages of share buybacks are not clear. Buyback process is generally used to improve the shareholding of promoters of the company, and with a view to impart short-term gains for the investors. The study points out that buyback norms should be made more stringent for Indian context, if the companies are to have a long-term view. In the end, the study lays down possible directions in which further research could be done on this topic.

Article Price : Rs.50

Market Timing: An Analytical Framework

-- G Sethu

Market timing is an important instrument of active portfolio management. In a debt portfolio, market timing is attempted in response to the anticipated changes in interest rates. The main tool of response to these expectations is modification of portfolio's duration. In an equity portfolio, market timing refers to response to changes in equity market's risk premium. If the market were expected to earn high premium (bull phase), an equity portfolio's systematic risk would be increased. If the risk premium were to become negative (bear phase), portfolio's systematic risk would be pruned. In effect, modification of systematic risk is the instrument of market timing in an equity portfolio. Investment management literature has tended to treat market timing of debt portfolio differently from that of equity portfolio. This paper attempts to view market timing of different asset classes from a unified point of view. The paper builds a general, yet elementary model of market timing that addresses all financial assets. It is shown that sensitivity of a portfolio's value to changes in the risk premium of the market would depend on portfolio's duration and its systematic risk. Under the circumstances specific to different asset classes, duration management or management of systematic risk could assume significance. The model proceeds to illustrate these implications for management of equity, debt and balanced portfolios.

Article Price : Rs.50

Venture Capital: Global Scenario

-- K B Subhash and T Govindankutty Nair

This article begins with a brief overview of different stages of venture capital financing and how venture capital differs from private equity. The importance of venture capital financing and the reasons for its importance are explained with the help of information from some selected economies. The development and growth in global venture capital from 1997 to 2004, along with the major players in different regions, are discussed. The global rankings with respect to venture capital investment, compound average growth rate, high-tech investment, and buyout and expansion investments presented here, indicate the trends in venture capital investment around the world. Another important aspect covered is the utilization rate of venture capital and the funds available for further investment, which clearly bring out the efficiencies and inefficiencies of different regions in utilization of venture capital amount raised. Finally the Index of Venture Capital Development (VCDI) is used to identify to what extent venture capital financing is being used for promoting high-tech early stage investments in business ventures with respect to three regions (North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific), which cover almost 98% of the global venture capital industry.

Article Price : Rs.50

Determinants of External Equity Finance: Evidence from the Indian Corporate Sector

-- Jitendra Mahakud and Prabhas Kumar Rath

This paper estimates both Panel Data and Time Series models for empirically identifying the determinants of external equity finance of the corporate sector in India. An analysis has also been carried out to gauge the impact of liberalization on the determinants of external equity finance. The paper finds that total long-term borrowings, size of the firm, profitability, growth rate of the firm, and liquidity are the major determinants of the external equity financing of Indian firms. From time series analysis it finds that the factors affecting equity financing clearly depend upon the type of ownership of companies.

Article Price : Rs.50



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Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): The Changing Face of Banking in India

Bank Management
Information and communication technology has changed the way in which banks provide services to its customers. These days the customers are able to perform their routine banking transactions without even entering the bank premises. ATM is one such development in recent years, which provides remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the development of this self-service banking in India based on the secondary data.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing a very important role in the progress and advancement in almost all walks of life. The deregulated environment has provided an opportunity to restructure the means and methods of delivery of services in many areas, including the banking sector. The ICT has been a focused issue in the past two decades in Indian banking. In fact, ICTs are enabling the banks to change the way in which they are functioning. Improved customer service has become very important for the very survival and growth of banking sector in the reforms era. The technological advancements, deregulations, and intense competition due to the entry of private sector and foreign banks have altered the face of banking from one of mere intermediation to one of provider of quick, efficient and customer-friendly services. With the introduction and adoption of ICT in the banking sector, the customers are fast moving away from the traditional branch banking system to the convenient and comfort of virtual banking. The most important virtual banking services are phone banking, mobile banking, Internet banking and ATM banking. These electronic channels have enhanced the delivery of banking services accurately and efficiently to the customers. The ATMs are an important part of a bank’s alternative channel to reach the customers, to showcase products and services and to create brand awareness. This is reflected in the increase in the number of ATMs all over the world. ATM is one of the most widely used remote banking services all over the world, including India. This paper analyzes the growth of ATMs of different bank groups in India.
International Scenario

If ATMs are largely available over geographically dispersed areas, the benefit from using an ATM will increase as customers will be able to access their bank accounts from any geographic location. This would imply that the value of an ATM network increases with the number of available ATM locations, and the value of a bank network to a customer will be determined in part by the final network size of the banking system. The statistical information on the growth of branches and ATM network in select countries.

Indian Scenario

The financial services industry in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth, diversification and specialization since the initiation of financial sector reforms in 1991. Greater customer orientation is the only way to retain customer loyalty and withstand competition in the liberalized world. In a market-driven strategy of development, customer preference is of paramount importance in any economy. Gone are the days when customers used to come to the doorsteps of banks. Now the banks are required to chase the customers; only those banks which are customercentric and extremely focused on the needs of their clients can succeed in their business today.


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Applied Finance