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HRM Review Magazine:
Balancing the See-Saw of Work and Life

People are usually either at work or home. Any individual usually spends a major part of the day's productive time at work and this is an important facet of his life. His productivity depends, not only on factors related to his work, but also on various other factors related to his personal life. Work-life balance entails attaining equilibrium between professional work and other activities, so that it reduces friction between official and domestic/personal life. Work-life balance enhances efficiency and thus, the productivity of an employee increases. It enhances satisfaction, in both the professional and personal lives. This article discusses some aspects of balancing work and life.


Many a time, we do not en joy routine official work. Our mind gets engrossed in one or other issues that may or may not be related to our work or workplace. Sometimes, excessive partying the night before or worrying about repayment of the next instalment of a house or car loan can affect our work productivity. It can also be that one is in a foul mood because of a disagreement with family or friends before leaving for work. If answer to any of these questions is yes, it is highlighted that many times the work of an individual is affected because of personal reasons. No individual exists in a cocoon. He affects and gets affected by the surrounding environment. If personal factors affect the work life of any individual or the workload impinges upon his personal life, then there is surely an imbalance in his working and domestic life. In order to achieve success on both fronts, it is necessary to maintain a balance between professional and personal life, which is called work-life balance.

The ultimate performance of any organization depends on the performance of its employees, which, in turn, depends on numerous factors. These factors can be related to work or can be familial or personal matters. How an individual manages various aspects of his life helps achieving in balance at work and in private life. Work-life balance can be understood as the balancing point on the seesaw, one side of which is work, while the other side is domestic and personal life. A major portion of any employee's productive time is spent at the work place. Any problem, either at the work place or in the family, will definitely disturb the balance and, thus, it is necessary to address the various factors related to work and family that can directly or indirectly affect the overall performance. Maintaining balance also requires emotional intelligence. Better emotion management is necessary in order to accomplish day-to-day objectives of life. Nowadays, more emphasis is laid on efficient emotion management, as it is the key to achieve the desired balance between work and life, which ultimately leads to success in the professional as well as personal life.


HRM Review Magazine, Work-life Balance, Emotion Management, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Environment, Domestic Encumbrances, Wealth Management, Congenial Environment, Working Environment, Financial Securities.