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HRM Review Magazine:
Managing Anger and the Freedom to Choose Our Responses : The Secretary is the Problem, Not Me!

This article discusses anger management in those `moments of truth', when all things appear to be going wrong. Stress, conflict, and anger are the realities of life for employees, especially for human resource professionals. This article discusses stressful situations, as well as the means to effectively manage workplace frustrations and anger at the personal level. 


Stress and conflict are everywhere and corporate leaders and human resource managers cannot avoid them. Therefore, we must learn to effectively deal with it. In stressful situations, managing one's frustrations and anger is an important part of life. We live in a `catkicking' world and office conflicts and stresses should be effectively handled before employees leave for home. If office issues are not handled at work, then a person who is unfairly blamed or `kicked in the pants' by his or her colleagues at work is likely to take it out on other innocent people on the way home or in the house.

Have you ever seen a person get mad and lose his or her temper over a minor or a non-issue whatsoever? In such cases, it is clear that there is something deeper that is causing the frustration and it has nothing to do with what is going on at the moment. For example, if you are walking in the park to get some exercise and the man coming from the opposite direction asks, "What are you looking at?" in a loud and frustrated voice, then you know that your walk in the park is certainly not something that has angered him.


HRM Review Magazine, HR Department, HR Professional Courses, MBA Courses, Finance and Marketing, Functional Departments, Socio-Psychological Environment, HR Measurement Issues, HR Department, Business Impact, Contextual Performance Deals, Business Schools, HR Education.