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HRM Review Magazine:
Results-Only Work Environment : A Mirage or a Distant Dream

Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) is a revolutionary concept introduced successfully in the retail industry. The article summarizes the conceptual framework and studies the applicability of ROWE as a performance management tool in the education, teaching and training, software, and financial services sectors. Though the concept is revolutionary and requires changes in organizational culture and leadership, it can be applied to a majority of jobs in these sectors.


Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), also known as `Results-Oriented Work Environment', is a concept proposed in 2003 by Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson, based on their experiences as HR managers at Best Buy. It epitomises a management philosophy of giving freedom to employees on their timings, coming and going, attending office as long as the work assigned to them is completed on time. It has been found in Best Buy that employees, with control over their timings, have productivity increase of 35%. It takes the concept of Working from Home to another level, by removing the time requirements of logging on and attending to work in a defined time period. It can be termed as a freelance work to regular employees. The employees in this concept are measured for their result contribution.

According to Hawthorne experiments, employees have higher productivity when they are recognized and have better control over the environment in which they are operating. ROWE takes the concept further and provides employees with control over their timings of work. ROWE provides this benefit to the employees. This article examines the concept of ROWE and its applicability in the Indian context.


HRM Review Magazine, Work Environment, Management Tools, Financial Services Sectors, Hawthorne Experiments, Financial Expenses, Knowledge-oriented Activities, Self-motivated Employee, Organizational Growth, Software Products and Services, Financial Services Sectors, Product Development Process, Mutual Funds, Wealth Management.