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Effective Executive Magazine :

KM is essentially about managing people, leading people in the path of sharing, openness and cooperation supported by IT systems which enables them to spread the gospel with an unprecedented amount, provided that those who design and plan the systems will do it in a user- friendly way, and those who will use them will operate with caution with respect to the knowledge and information they deposit and withdraw from the system


I have been engaged in learning processes as teacher, trainer, coach and consultant for the last fifty years. During the last decade I had the opportunities to help organizations of various sizes to set up knowledge sharing cultures, vastly known as knowledge management systems. Due to my humble experience, I dare to offer some thoughts and guidelines as for preparing the ground for organizational knowledge management (KM).

The notion and concept of learning is embedded in human nature since the dawn of civilization. The knowledge acquired through experience was transferred and passed on orally at the early stages of civilization by ways of storytelling, and evolved into written volumes in the form of tablets bearing inscriptions, and further evolved to papyrus by the ancient Egyptians, from there to scrolls of parchment made of goat skin, to the paper printing books and on to the digital era.


Effective Executive Magazine, Learning Organization, Knowledge Management, Communication Channels, Organizational Goals, Leadership Development programs, Human Resource Development, HRD, Knowledge Management Systems, Information Technology, IT.