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The IUP Journal of Management Research :
Workplace Literacy: An Empirical Study

Workplace literacy refers to those basic and generic skills that all employees need at work, which include reading, writing, speaking, math problem-solving, etc. A more conceptual framework was given by the International Adult Literacy survey (IALS, 1998), which defines three distinct types of literacyprose, document and quantitative literacy. A good knowledge on these definitely improves the work efficiency of the employees and thereby, leads to organizational development. This study, which aims to find empirical evidence on basic workplace skills, was conducted among the employees of VST Tillers Tractors Ltd, Bangalore, with a sample of about 60 employees.

Training is crucial for the success of any organization. The contents of the training programs have always been structured at higher levels and are subject to change. The training program never emphasized on the `basic workplace skills' which are necessary and can lay a strong foundation among the employees to adapt any change in the work atmosphere. In short, improving these basic skills is fundamental for increasing the productivity of employees and widening the scope of the organization.Basic workplace skills or workplace literacy refer to those generic skills that all employees need at work, which are: reading, writing, speaking, math and problem-solving.

Enhancing workplace literacy levels in the workplace improves bottom-line performance of the employees and gives them scope for success in their careers. Today, there is a growing recognition for workplace literacy as it is a critical factor in the corporate sector. Employers are paying more attention to the potential impact it has on their business success, and employees are recognizing the importance of this. The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), defines three distinct literacy typesprose, document and quantitative literacyand five levels of literacy within each type.


Workplace Literacy: An Empirical Study, generic skills, employees, include reading, writing, speaking, problem-solving, conceptual, framework, Adult Literacy, International document, quantitative, good knowledge, organizational development, empirical evidence, workplace skills, International Reading Association, management, leadership qualities, decision-making ability, provident fund,communication.