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HRM Review Magazine:
Online Recruitments : Going Forward

The recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. When new employees are required the process of recruitment is initiated by inviting applications/resumes from the prospective employees. Thus, a large database of resumes is created.


E-Recruitment is the latest trend in the recruitment process. Also known as "Online recruitment", it is the use of technology or the web-based tools to assist the recruitment process. Online recruitment has an edge over conventional modes of recruitment. It makes life much simpler and cheaper for today's recruiter. In addition, it also reduces the average time spent by a recruiter in sourcing a suitable candidate. The only drawback, however, could be the recruiter's comfort level in using the online medium. For example, searching the database for sourcing candidates online could be a complex task for an average recruiter.

It is sometimes said that "When US sneezes, India catches a cold". However, there has been one area which is insulated from the `market shocks' and that is electronic recruitment or e-recruitment. The sector is growing at a whopping pace of 100 to 150% year-on-year. Starting with an insignificant share, the e-recruitment market, today, commands a respectable market share. Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG) and an increasing Internet penetration have all fuelled the growth of this sector.

There was a time when recruitment was a tedious job. It involved contacting prospective candidates, sourcing references through them and so on. Applications received in response to advertisements in newspapers were actually a nightmare for a recruiter. Sorting out the paper resumes and picking the right resume was really a daunting task. No more after the advent of e-recruitments. The online medium provides many tools that can be used for screening the resumes. In fact, some portals provide end-to-end recruitment solutions. End-to-end implies sourcing, screening, short-listing, scheduling interviews and zeroing in on the right candidate. Newspaper advertisements generate responses only from active job-seekers. However, online job portals or job boards (as they are referred to in the US) contain a databank of registered candidates who may be `active' or `passive' job-seekers. Passive job-seekers mean candidates who are not desperately looking out for a job, but they will not mind switching jobs if they get the right opportunity.


HRM Review Magazine, Online Recruitments, E-Recruitment, Recruitment Process, Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization, LPG, Job Advertisements, Jobsites, Naukri.com, Monsterindia.com, Timesjobs.com, Online Recruitment Business, Technological Advancements, ITES Companies, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Online Services, Recruitment Market.