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The IUP Journal of Management Research:
Global Warming, Nuclear Power and Resurgence of Renewable Energy A Political Economic Analysis with Special Reference to India

Arguments in favor of nuclear power have been revived in recent years especially in emerging economies like India. The proponents of nuclear power have put three arguments to justify their demand: (1) Nuclear energy is safer today due to induction of better and safer technology; (2) Nuclear energy is a better option for mitigation of carbon emission and for combating global warming; and (3) India needs nuclear energy to sustain its projected rate of economic growth. This paper is divided into two sections. The first section focuses on the above three issues. The second section begins with a brief discussion on the alternative energy initiatives taken in different countries of the world, especially in Europe. This section also highlights the alternative energy options that are still open to India, but not yet considered by the energy planners of the country.

Arguments in favor of nuclear power have been revived in recent years especially in emerging economies like India. India and USA entered into a civilian nuclear deal on March 2, 2006; under the deals, India has promised to separate its civilian and military installations in return for uninterrupted supply of uranium and access to advanced nuclear technology that in the long run would help the country fuel its growing energy needs. It was reported that sensing the potential of the deal, a strong contingent of the US business community, under the leadership of the US Chamber of Commerce, launched the second phase of its strategic initiative to ensure that the deal `got through' the US congress. It was also reported that as a part of a broad public advocacy campaign, the chamber had planned to host `coalition for partnership with India'. At least, three different lobby firms were working simultaneously to seek the nod of the US Congress on the nuclear deal.

While the steady progress of the proposed India-US civilian nuclear agreement has provided the much-needed political support to the nuclear lobby to come out with ambitious plans for nuclear energy, the Government of India has firmed up plans to set up around five new coastal nuclear power stations using high-end reactors of 1,000 MW and above. The stations are to be designed to accommodate upto six to eight such reactors. As a result, the overall capacity of each station could be gradually ramped up to almost 8,000 MW. The projects are expected to use light water reactors and are most likely to be run using imported fuel.


Global Warming, Nuclear Power and Resurgence of Renewable Energy A Political Economic Analysis with Special Reference to India,nuclear, energy, civilian, reactors, economies, Arguments, alternative, reported, technology, Commerce, agreement, countries, discussion, accommodate, Europe, focuses, global, highlights, IndiaUS, installations, military, leadership, partnership, proponents, promised, campaign, simultaneously, advocacy, uranium, uninterrupted